About Reiki Master Teacher Jill Thiel

Reiki Master Teacher Jill Thiel

Meet Jill Thiel, a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher and owner of the Minnesota Reiki Center for Healing and Training. Certified in Reiki since 2004 and teaching since 2007, Jill specializes in helping individuals heal and promotes overall wellness and self-care through Reiki and sound healing.

Qualifications and Lineage

Additionally, Jill has trained with honorable Reiki teachers like William Lee Rand, Colleen Benelli, Pam Allen LaBlanc, and Patricia Naffky. As a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), she has completed over 1000 hours of advanced Reiki teacher training. Impressively, Jill is one of only 40 licensed Reiki teachers worldwide.

Also, Jill’s certifications include Usui Reiki Ryoho, Usui Holy Fire III, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, and ICRT Animal Reiki. She also serves as the director of social media and the assistant director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher training program for the ICRT. Furthermore, Jill is a published author in the Reiki News Magazine.

Curriculum Vitae

Plus, Jill’s dedication to spiritual growth and compassion spans her entire adult life. As a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, she studies under Lama Tsering, Chagdud Khadro, and Lama Padma from Chagdud Gongpa. She has received numerous empowerments, including Red Tara and Medicine Buddha, from the Dalai Lama. Additionally, Jill worked as a massage educator at The Aveda Institute (2011-2017), gaining expertise in chakras, aromatherapy, reflexology, energy work, sound healing, meridians, massage, and Ayurveda.

Passionate about sustainability and organic gardening, Jill and her husband David built Minneapolis’s first deep winter greenhouse.

Media and Publications

  • Presenter at the International Center for Reiki Training Retreat 2024
  • Featured on the 2024 Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast with Colleen Benelli & Robyn Benelli
  • Promoted to director of social media & assistant director of the Licensed Teacher training program for the ICRT in 2023.
  • Published “Reiki & Massage” in the fall 2023 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Published “Reiki & Social Media” in the fall 2022 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Featured in the 2022 Reiki From the Farm® Podcast with Pam Allen LeBlanc
  • Presenter at the International Center for Reiki Training retreat 2021
  • Published “Peace Love and Reiki” in the summer 2021 issue of Reiki News Magazine.
  • Featured in the 2020 Reiki From the Farm® Podcast with Pam Allen LeBlanc
  • Published “Holy Fire Reiki Brings Gifts of Light” in the winter 2020 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Published “The Reiki Running Meditation” featured in the spring 2020 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Presenter at the International Center for Reiki Training Retreat 2020
  • Featured on the 2020 Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast with Colleen Benelli & Robyn Benelli
  • Published “Better Body Mechanics In Reiki” in the winter 2019 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Speaker at the 2019 ICRT Secrets of Successful Reiki Master Summit
  • Published “Reiki For Your Garden” in the spring 2019 issue of Reiki News Magazine
  • Interviewed in the 2018 Reiki Currents alongside William Lee Rand
  • Featured on the 2018 Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast with Colleen Benelli & Robyn Benelli
Jill Thiel, Licensed Reiki Master Teacher
The International Center for Reiki Training Licensed Reiki Master Teacher
Jill Thiel on Reiki Lifestyles